
Federal & Government

Traffic Monitoring Guide: Vehicle Occupancy Data Exploration Part 2- Traffic Monitoring Guide Update

CASE™ managed the most recent update to the Traffic Monitoring Guide (Project Title: Vehicle Occupancy Data Exploration Part 2- Traffic Monitoring Guide Update). This project included a reorganization of chapters, new content development, and technical review and update of existing content.

Metro de Panama 

Consulting Services for the Development of Metro de Panama’s Public Safety and Security Program

CASE™ performed a preliminary assessment of the key capabilities of police, fire and emergency management personnel who will provide first responder services to the Metro.  As a part of the assessment, CASE™ developed a report of 26 recommendations prioritized into categories of significance that should be addressed prior to the Metro opening for revenue service. 

CASE™ project team assisted the Public Safety Commission with the development of a Metro de Panama Public Safety, Security and Emergency Response Plan (SSERP).